Wednesday, February 24, 2010

[ I am back... ]

我回来了...回到这个又熟悉又陌生的地方... 告别了两个月,竟是在新的一年里回到这里... 原来的店还是依旧的人潮,只是多了几家新店面,都以食物为主... 来到被分配的房子...房子乱糟糟的,地上粘粘的,又是肮脏,又是臭味股股~urgh!!!快要把我搞疯了... 被分到和马来室友同房,他们人还是不错...但却懒了点~ 房间也不打扫,地也不抹,蜘蛛网满房都是,最糟的是我床上的风扇...='( 灰尘是千年累积的呢~~~ 早就料到会有这样的事发生了..果然不出我所料~还算是没有很惊讶! 偏偏我特别早就到宿舍了,一个人在房子里和两位不认识的马来室友... 自己想办法打扫完他们给的位子后,就在那儿发呆起来..好辛苦好辛苦~ 自己偷哭了好几次,爸妈不了解我的情况,我所在的环境...真的没办法想到未来的日子怎么过下去... 一直等到朋友回来后,要求了换房....还好换得成,才好过了点...不用和原本的室友同房..要不然,每天打扫都还是肮脏的.... 打扫了好几天,才清理完客厅,鞋柜,阳台,饭厅,厨房,房间,厕所.... 可是,当他们回来后,又弄肮脏了.... 好无奈的说~~~ 哎! 才又要刚开始这里的新生活,又得重新开始适应... 最近在学校也是够闷的了,CI 不够, 医院也不够~~ 整天都被关在practical room 里~ 聊天,睡觉~~~ 幸好这几天算是不错了~ 9am-12pm library time~知道的,谁会去呢..?大家都是在宿舍睡饱再说吧~ 1pm practical 至少到 practical room 有lecturer 带~还算学到东西...充实多了...=) 开心啦!星期五没上课...hooray! 好好慰劳自己咯~~~=)

Friday, February 19, 2010

[ CNY♥ ]

I was glad that i used to came bk on friday (12 feb) noon=) after worked.. if i remain the plan, i will be go to KL for hostel arrangment, then come bk BP on Saturday noon..but saturday was cny eve~ i'll be miss up my home reunion meal~ Lucikly, at the last moment, i plan to come bk directly..and leave aside the useless hostel arrangment! so i can enjoy my nice friday, and cny eve=) arha~~
New year eve night, went out for last minutes shopping..><
Randomly posted some photo captured during CNY... Inside dad's car, while on the way to waipo's house~
Inside mum's bedroom arha~ with Jacy , it let me become so "lucky" today, because of the SHIT! haiz~~~ =')

[Reunion dinner @ Katerina Hotel]

As usual, we having our reunion dinner at Katerina Hotel with grandpa, grandma~
we took some photo while away one's time.. grandpa and grandma ♫ No. 1 lovely couple dad and mum ♫ No. 2 lovely couple No.1 zi4 lian4~~♫ with Elaine ♫ inside restroom~~ where we look at?! with my baobei xuan xuan ♫ took some more photo before went back~ we chosen a big flowerpot as a background.. with 婶婶 ♫ ♫ 全家福 ♫

Thursday, February 18, 2010

[ Reunion dinner @ Vegetarian YeeSang ]

the night after hang out with ji mui... .. gathering with waipo jia's family for dinner at 隆珊阁~ *vegetarianism*hehe i decided to dress up a top-dress cheong-sam~ first dishes, of course ll'be the yeesang~~ but without salmon...
our table after 1st dishes dy become! because of their action..>> acting for the effect.. ''fish''? with dragon fruits~ vege-abalone Shaine ♫ Joey ♫ Joanne one more>> shaine v joanne sweet family^^ 3 siblings>> stella ♫ anderson ♫ benjamin Shiane ♫ Lawrence blackie Elaine ♫ handsome Shawn

hang out with JI MUI ♥ 사랑하는

hang out at lacuzz (香满园) followed by fitting roomzz and K-box..
with a local Korean??
cooly hero Rachel~~ a-za a-za~~fitting room lalala~~~K-box here we go!! arha.. hero will kill me if she saw this..><'