Saturday, July 30, 2011

[ 我们都傻-杨丞琳]

杨丞琳 - 我们都傻

就代表又对我的心 撒了多少谎
但每次我都选择 选择相信
相信你是 爱我的

看你装无辜的眼神 我很窒息
难道你没有看见 看见我对你的好
还是你忘了 那些数不清的爱情轨迹

你说我傻 傻在爱上只懂爱自己的人
我说你傻 傻在爱她 你的眼睛骗不了人
我们都傻 傻在为一段没有未来的爱情付出

你说我傻 傻在爱上没有感情的分身
我说你傻 傻在爱她 就固执的奋不顾身
我们都傻 傻在宁愿被牺牲也不愿放弃天真

只是问心无愧 讽刺也无所谓

我说我傻 傻在爱上没有感情的分身
你说你傻 傻在爱他 就固执的奋不顾身
我们都傻 傻在宁愿被牺牲也不愿放弃天真

Taipei ♥ touch your heart ♪ 巧遇明星啦!

到了台湾,一切都以华语来沟通,看得也都是华文...感觉很奇妙~因为我没到过以华文为国文的国家 o,O'' 所以呢,为了入乡随俗,我决定用华文来诠释接下来的台北记! 留意到标题吧~ 这可不是我随便写写的哦! 这个< 台湾 ♥ touch your heart>可是台湾观光局的标语哦~ 走在台北街道上可是到处可见此牌哦~!

好啦,回正题! 首先,要先和大家分享张照片~是我在台北扫购回来的隐形眼睛!
Freshlook 只需台币280,大约RM29.90. 里头有五对~都是daily的! 我选择的是紫色,所以带起来超自然的说~
其他的两款,抱歉我忘了价格了,反正就不会很贵~ 我不太爱带那些很抢眼的颜色,所以选择的都是较热卖的黑色与棕色啦~ ^___^

大家晓不晓得 Freshlook 可是杨丞琳代言的? 在眼镜店的门口都能见到她代言的海报~
而很幸运的说....我既然能在台北遇到她本人哦!!!!! 有点小兴奋,虽然本人我不是她的迷,可是觉得她很可爱很美丽~而她本人还是一样美丽!真的哦!!
该怎么说巧遇呢~ 其实是在路过时看见她正在办<仰望>的签唱会~ 就在我用餐的餐厅路口,也就是位于我住的酒店附近啦-->西门町 是也!
好啦,不多说了...相信你们要看得是照片吧~ >___<

*以下的照片都是由yin babe所拍的* 
能见到杨小姐本人, 她可是超兴奋的说!!


看!!这是谁来了?   p/s : 如果你有收看 <醉后决定爱上你>,肯定认识他了....就是宋杰修啦! 啊...不对!是张孝全!! 本人就像戏里一样好看 ( :

好啦,没看完整场签唱会我们就走了.....因为要前往新光三越 百货商场 血拼去啦!!
结果呢......竟在百货商场的门口又遇见了另一位艺人在办签唱会! 星期天的台北真是星光满街啊!
就是他啦~ 吴建豪!!


不是很喜欢这个发型,还是喜欢他在 < 下一站.幸福> 里头任光晞的造型!

哎哟!怎么突然好像变得八卦了起来....我可是不追星的呢 =,=''

好了,接下来的台北po就留下次啦~ 本小姐得上床去了,明天得早起 : [ 怎么人家星期六休假睡迟,我就得七早八早爬起床嘛!讨厌吖!
刚和boyfie约会时拍的 ( : 
他看到后铁定会骂我的,相信我!因为里头的他很丑! 也没关系啦,我的头也像断了似的啊! >,
可是不管,我就很爱这张,配上这个爱心的框框既然角度刚刚好 =D 所以不好意思,委屈你啦! anyway, u look cute mah!!
         照片不是很清晰,没办法,是用Iphone baby拍出来的,edited by using Princess Camera. ♥
肚子又突然好饿,真是的! o,0! 还真会挑我要睡觉的时间!
不管了!还是睡觉比较实际 >,< 就这样啦!这次真的要睡了啦! 下次见咯 :)))

Friday, July 29, 2011

landed =D

lalala,im back =D landed ytd night, reached home around 1am. i was super tired and slept for whole day! idk why i put this as my title since i was landed ytd...lollll
seems like i shall start to blog about my taiwan trip, but i do promised to post those photos of previous post. =((( haiyo! dont know where i should start =,=!

AND oops! i dropped my camera's cable at my cousin houzze =[ and i cant place the photo into da lappie D= haiyo againnn! so muddle! anyway, i can actually borrow cable from my sis but i guess she fall asleep dy. so i should hold it 1st loh! no choice what to do *looks like im giving excuses* hahaa! NO,okay!

na, here i found some photo in my lappie ( : it was grabbed from cousin camera one.

loving this photo very much!!
camwhore while on our way to Jay Chou's restaurant.
in da Mr.J restaurant. is an italian-french cuisine restaurant =D
im missing there food now, it is delicious!
but Jay is not in da houzze, couldn't meet him...lolllll! sound funny!
arghhh! i just realize something! look at my arm, i look so muscular wth! zomg!! who can help me to resolve this problem. i dunwan to be a super muscular girl. =C so sad!

okay,gtg! gonna watching tv show now =D will start to update photo soon after i edited...hmmmm....i means edited the lightening since some of the photo looks dark. i never edited my body and face one,okay! lolllllllllllllllllllllll

tata~ see you soon ^^

Thursday, July 21, 2011

reached Taipei ( :

hey,guys :) so glad i able to blogging here. yeay, im at Taipei right now,enjoying my vacation.

Went Xi Men Ding.
okay, a random post to checked in where am i now ( :
p/s: bi, i damn missing you :( sorry i nvr bring my hp here. cant contact u via phone.
gtg, saving my energy for tmr.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

coming home sweet home

"I’m coming home...I’m coming home...Tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday...
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes...
I’m coming home, I’m coming home...Tell the World that I’m coming..." officially coming back home after I done my Diploma for about 3 yrs time.
yeah!finally..... im GRADUATED!! =D

i'll be staying in hometown currently meanwhile applying for job. :)
yea, this is my final decision. :):):)
start to gain my Xperience first before i go for further studies. i tried myself so hard to get approval from my parent to allowing me start to work before going got degree. and yeah! i suceed!
so whatever decision i made, i will make my own responsible for it! i promised!!
not to said i dunwan to be a so called "mummy's girl", but just try to live in my own way even i know working might also be a tough task for me. : /

my luggage,bags and case was fully filled my room's aisle. :( mum was like headache when she saw that. but need to unpack it, is like a difficult and tiring task for me. somemore i need to unpack my luggage and pack again for vacation tmr : / can u imaging how tired am i?!
yup, vacation. i'll be flying off to Taiwan for 1 week vacation with my yin babe, bro, sister in law and cousin. :))))) exciting!

gotta go for hair cutting before flying off. my hair was like weeds since i leave it for months without cutting it due to insufficient time.
lolllllllx. my hair is like so messy yet out of shape. : [ 
see here~
photo was taken 2 days ago while bro went KL and fetch me back.
took it at Full house @ Sunway Giza while we had our lunch there.
okay, that's all for now,  gotta off to bed.=D *trying to keep my bloggie updated!*^^
even it's a short post.
gunitez ~ sweet dreamz!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

my very last week college life

i supposed to off to bed now, since tmr gotta wake up before 7am, seriously lack of sleep this few days, feeling like my head is going to burst and i need some pill to kill my headache :[

lets summaries my very last week diploma college life in KL.
outing-packing-college-party-making cake-shopping-movie-again outing-college-packing-party.....
Xy,Joyous,Chris was back to KL last weekend from Malacca after 2 weeks practical.
of course shopping is a MUST for us.

beside, attend our 3rd year anniversary as well as farewell party for all of us. ( :

1 of the photo captured on the day  
-more photo will be coming soon-

packing my stuff for leaving..... feeling kind of grudge : C
a part of my stuff, i know is lil

our last day in coll. 
my awe malay frens : )) look at them, they brought extra uniform and makes all classmate sign and comment on the uniform. 

Xin Yin bday celebration in advance since we all are heading back hometown this weekend.
and today 17th July is her bday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet girl ( : love you~~~

we made her a super delicious chocolate cake for her, credit attributed to Evelynna.
she's the one who planned and made, we are just helping around.
nice?just like those selling in da shoppie! and it taste good. =D
Xy was shocked when she saw the cake! 
 heading to Bangsar for fun ( :

okay, more photos will be coming soon. so stay tuned for more.
imma leaving KL tmr, will heading back to hometown ( :
see you^^

Sunday, July 10, 2011

grabbed this from yin's fb.
captured on bro's wedding.
am i look old here..? luckily my eye makeup is heavy enough, otherwise i might look more pale.

gtg, a random freaking short post here~ 
stay tuned ( :

Sunday, July 3, 2011

030711♥my story lately.

it's about few story of mine i would like to share.
i been recently worried about where should i go then after graduated. working? i guess, definitely. but where???
ya, it's my future, sounds like i can't take it lightly. gonna think properly x cannily x 100%ly before making any decision which would affect my life. i don't want to make another mistake again, a mistake that influenced my whole entire life. i hate myself like so not assertive, can't even dare to resolved a decision by my own :'[ like so useless! 
i been thinking of working at Singapore? M'sia? this thought get stacked in my brain like hell.

one year before, my parent was keep propose me to get my degree cert in Australia after my diploma, which mean now! but i keep on refused even though im very much want to go. the reason is i don't want to separate with my family, dear and friends around here. i don't wana to go alone. i even afraid lonely. *im so useless, i know :[ * so i told my parent, gimme maximum 2 years. after i got my clinical experience, i will decide to go oversea for my further studies then. so dad and mum agree, even though they actually don't like me to working in hospital, in fact, that's my only choice,right? i can't be doing other fields with my diploma in nursing cert.

few days ago, mum called me in the early morning and told me
"dad offering you to study in New Zealand for yr degree"
" huh? NZ? when?" i was shock!
"soon after u graduate loh" mum said.
"don't want! it is so far from M'sia"
"'s takes only few hour flight, somemore it's take only one year plus to complete your degree there. we don't want you to work at hosp., we want you to take your degree and then you'll have a better paid and no need to work those hardship job like now."
"i need experience at least 1 year before i can doing degree,that's their requirements too."
"so, you can work at NZ, take your degree as part time....= ) anyway, think about it" mum told.

after ring off the phone, my brain my mood was like topsy-turvy. idk where is my next step?
thank's to my parent so muchie ( : they actually want to send me oversea for my further study in stead of working. they told me this everytime when we are discussing about my career, i know it's for my own good ( : and i appreciate so much ^_____^ hugs** my parent ♥ they dote on me soooo much!

well, back to the point, as you are following my blog, u should know that im actually not interested in what im doing now, so..? what do you think then..? im confused. : /
okay, my second story......
love story? or story after loved?
seems bi is on his internship, and im in clinical posting, we both are quite busy on working and getting so tired every day after work. add on, we got different working timing, we can't even have the time to hang out during weekday and we seldom chat on phone. becoz the more we chat, the more we quarrel. : [ 
we both are stubborn and started to feels impatient towards other sides. what happened btw us?
sometimes, i feel like despair, sometimes i feel like weary , sometimes i feel like wanna give up. so sad to say.
previously, we quarrel was like once a week or twice a week, but now, we are like everyday!! zomg! @___@ i don't want to used to it!! we faster get rid of this "bad habit",kay?? 

these was the photo we took last week when headed down to IOI mall, puchong.
my iphone baby was admit into her hosp. T___T 
im soooo careless : ( always can't take good care of my belongings esp. my phone. and iphone is kind of fragile to said. ='( 
i miss her soooo much. zzz
i need her to kill my boring time while imma waiting for the bus, in da bus, before get to bed.
my ipod can't really play much games since most of the game i play is only available for iphone 4 system. wtf.
anyway, bobi bobi ma ibaby lah~~ i miss you ya :]

lastly, is my shopaholic story lah!
bought this 2 cosmetic ytd at SASA.

DollyWink liquid eyeliner,cost me RM55.90.

Cyber color aqua-base pudding foundation with SPF20 PA++, get a better effect of foundation, concealer,BB cream. RM89.90 with 20% discount. =) 
decorate lil bit with ma lovie ribbon's earring before capture it *^___^*
 okay, gtg now ( : see on next post. 
with love ♥