Saturday, August 27, 2011

rainbow after the raining day

after gone through some harass stuff, i know i have grew up :*]
i love buzzy well as i can handle it, i appreciate, but the precondition is, must be free from those annoying stuff, then should be okay. I was plagued by those problems and it really driving me crazzzyyyyy this few days fml.

now, finally, i settled it with my courage and my ain't easy to made such decision while everyone is looking at me, my every single steps makes different and ppl will comments, when i fall down, ppl will laugh at me : / though i knew i should live for my own, shouldn't bother so much but as human being, everyone care about other's opinion,am i right?!

as i grew up, i know i should take the responsible for myself, my life, my health as well.
i was thinking of don't want to give more burden to you all, thats y i just silently accepted it just for your convenience, in fact i doesn't want to do so and i haven't get prepared yet for the surgery. I well knew that the post-op discomfort and pain will be torture me like hell.while everytime when i thinking of the pass experience, i cried. 

so as long as it's convenience for you, i decided to keep on persuade myself.
but now, thank god, i got such courage to speak out to delay the surgery till after my bday. thanks dad and mum, u guys accepted my opinion and let me make my own decision for this. thank's :) it's superx hard for me to gain this courage to shout out. i was always a mummy's girl, where they made every single decision for my check up condition.

on the other hand, i had make another great decision in my life. and now im not JOBLESS =D hmmm....i should be glad that the whole job applying process was that smooth... just perhaps that my career can be that smooth tooooooo** good luck for myself!!

now, im looking forward to meet my bi and dearest darlingss and babess.....
bi is coming back ^_____^ freaking happy! yuuuuuhoooooo~ wish to see you soon...muacks!
and i m planning to go KL meeting my babes and darling during my bday time =))) im sooo excited, can't wait till the day to come! oh yayy! 

i want outings i love gatherings!!! muacks muacks!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Taipei ♥ touch your heart ♪ Mr.J French-Italian Restaurant

哈咯,又见面了~ ^^ 这次要带大家到Mr. J 的 意法世界 去啦~~
Jay fans们绝对不可错过的 餐厅!! 

 看到周杰伦了没?  哈哈~

由于是自助旅行,所以我们就看着 网路上给的 地址 乘搭捷运 再走了约一个捷运站远的路程 找到了这家店
中午正的太阳  烈日当空        
回想起来 我还挺佩服我自己的 (╯▽╰)

大家仔细看! 看到Mr.J 的招牌了吗? 
 慎重建议他  在路口处 放个告示牌什么的 
要不然就招牌可以再做大一点 拜托!     

 看到时的心情 超开心的 ˙˙

终于 我们找到了
 连门口的Mr.J 都那么小 =,=! 真是的~

有点无奈是 我们大家明明就在早一天上网时看好了 是12时正 开始营业, 可是当天大家 也饿了 忘了时间 就直接上门去 
 于是 好心的主管 便指路要我们到附近的国父纪念馆 参观 先~
当我们参观完,回到餐厅时 主管已准备好 六人位给我们了~ 服务超好的!

一进门 就有惊喜啦~
哎哟! 这张帅哦!

 餐厅里播放的也是 周杰伦的歌曲哦~

大家选的都是 套餐
 而这就是第一样 端上的美食啦 
 蘑菇汤 很特别 并不像是我们常喝到的口味.

yummy~ 这是开胃菜
  应该是掩了白醋的关系 有点酸 我最爱的! \^_^/


由于本小姐 我不动 caffeine 饮料,所以并没有一试!
其他的饮料 忘了拍了 >,< 抱歉啦~~

这是yin babe 点的 *偷偷告诉你,她可是超级超级杰伦迷!!!**她仿佛来到了天堂叻~( ̄ ̄)

get a better view~
特别吗? 特别的是 这里一天只 销售十分哦! 
yin babe 所吃的是当天的第 2/10 分~

表哥的饭~~~ >,<


这是我点的~ 和 joanne 和大嫂的一样~
这样的spaghetti 保险多了 =P

天啊~我知道 这样做很不好...
不好意思啦,再忍忍! 加油!是饭后甜点了~ =P

qiang qiang~~ 饭后甜点! 巧克力蛋糕~

这是在餐厅隔壁 也是Mr.J 的咖啡厅 called Mr.Qute
 可以在那里选择你喜欢的蛋糕 *只限一部分的套餐*并不是所有套餐都能自由选购蛋糕的~


吃完后     继续往二楼 "探险"去~


有没有觉得 有点疯狂呢她? 嘿嘿, 好戏还在后头呢!


tadaaa~ 看吧!疯狂歌迷!!
花痴样 出完来了~

这是Mr.J 的私人用餐房哦~

到处都贴着 Mr.J
好喜欢这张照片 =)


看到yin babes 的comment 吗? 
*在大路旁放个招牌* lolll

好啦, 买单时候啦~
柜台处也好多 周杰伦哦~

旁边的柜子也有出售些 周董的 周边商品~

当然,有些是 非买品....

虽然我不是 Jay's fan, 但还是收藏了一些 ^^

before ending......
 如果大家有机会到台北的话,不妨抽空到 这家 这么有特色的餐厅去用餐 ( :
soooo J. 
我只能说 哎哟!不错哦!够吊哦! lolll
overall 的打分是 
服务态度 ★★★★
食物饮料 ★★★★
 环境    ★★★★
Jay 饭们, 有机会一定不能错过这家你们偶像开的餐厅哦! 支持支持!
*thumbs up *

告诉大家,点击进入左侧门 *ya, click in right door* 就是我到的那家位于 
台北市光復南路308巷43號 ♥ 

忙碌?! ╮(╯3╰)╭

看似简单的生活,其实一点也不简单 : (
大家应该都以为 毕业后的我 应该都空闲的很 有人说我 继续过回大小姐的生活 无忧无虑
那你错了!   我怎么可能让日子就这么过下去呢?

现在的我 正努力找着工作 已放弃了修读别的科目的念头了 对我来说 太浪费时间了 我要的不就只是可以让我玩 让我逛,让我买,无忧无虑的大学生活吗?!! 实际点,终究得面对社会的! 现在的我 只想快点找到工作 赚很多很多的钱!!

很快的,我就要踏入我人生的21啦~ 不知道该是高兴还是伤心?!
原本想过要开 party庆祝的, 但我真的不喜欢那样的气氛 :<

原先计划好的一切 好像 又要被打岔了 /_\
本来想说 要利用还没找到工作的这一段时间 到KL去找 darlings, babes 和 bi的.
好想念那里的食物 =X
时间紧迫 根本没时间让我 计划 回去KL 找你们 ='( 怎么办~ 好想念大家...**

 这几个星期 一直往JB 和 S'pore 跑~ 不单是为了工作 还有一些门诊 ... 有时忙得都忘了星期几了~ : [ 日子就一天一天这么过了...
还有 上个星期五 对不起 ron 和 evon ='( 我失约了~  知道你很想去唱K的,答应了你却又临时改变了 对不起 对不起 我会补请客地 :]
才回来 几天   星期三又得到 malacca 看诊了 好累 又好怕 感觉历史重演 那可怕的经历 >,< 好久没有了.....

看样子 我的生日好像也没办法 如我预期的度过了 /_\
希望, 还没到最后一分钟, 还是有可能的 =) positive thinking!! 加油加油!
我的21岁生日 一定要有你们陪=)))

要趁这几天还闲空着, po上我最新的照片和台北的照片 (∩_∩)
teehee...很快就会再见面咯 ^~^*

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


i usually prefer to blog at night time, but idk y recently while this time, the line will turn into super sucksss where i even have to load like so long to open up a page. seriously,fml!

are u curious about the photo above..? i dun even know i captured this photo until i saw it from babe yin camera's taken at Leofu Village Theme Park,Taipei. this photo is like so funnie and my hair was like lion..?? oh anyway, i love it too~ muahaha!
i've make over my blogskin  to a brand new look and i'm so lovin it ( = happie~!! i actually planned for quite sometimes but doesn't have time to do so, now finally! oh yeah! hope you like it ^^
new song? did you noticed that? Lovely by Michelle Tumes. 

this....Bvlgari Omnia Amethyste Women's Perfume, my favourite used perfume recently.
thank's mummy for buying me this perfume ^^

and got myself and bi this couple belt from Esprit.
grabbed it from Tebrau City, JB last week when i did my shopping there with xinyin♥
i like the design of this belt, is like so simple and classic.

imma will be heading to S'pore tmr, shopping for tmr, seek for doctor on thursday, and my very 1st interview on friday morning!! aweee.... sooo happie! this is my very 1st interview in my nursing life!! i had just sent my resume don't even one week, and now getting the 1st reply so fast!! excited yet nervous to the max! god bless...everything to be pretty smooth ^^

okay, i know i been ignore those taipei trip's photo for a long time, and i promise will blog it soon ( :
plus, i have still a tons of photo on pending...would like to share it : D

gtg, see you soon. have a nice day!♥

Monday, August 15, 2011



谢谢你...我知道我不够珍惜你, 但我也希望