Thursday, September 15, 2011

hectic life ahead~
will be right back soon.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Taipei ♥ touch your heart ♪ 国父纪念馆 ★ 五分埔血拼啦~~

吃了止痛药,还算 舒湖 了点~就乘现在快快地写完我的po啦~~
基本上,我们第二天的行程真的是满到吓死人 (\ )o
Mr.J 餐厅- 国父纪念馆- 台北101大楼- 五分埔~~ 超充实的说~!
所以现在要带大家游的是 Mr.J 餐厅- 国父纪念馆- 台北101大楼- 五分埔啦~
由于101大楼的照照也是多得不得了~所以窝 打算 将它留在下一po啦!!



台北的捷运 超方便的 有好多的景点都是搭捷运就可以到达的!
所以 朋友们 下次有机会自助来台北 想省点钱血拼的话 不妨就是用捷运 也可以顺便体验当地人的生活 
只需买份地图 就行了 而且捷运内的的 指示牌 和地图也清楚和详细的记载着 许多不同方向的景点 
再不然呢 也可以问人当地的人都挺友善的说~ (^0^)

这就是当地的捷运卡~ *悠游卡*是也!
就像 马来西亚的touch n go
新加坡的 ez link 一样方便 
只需加额 就行了!

下了捷运后,沿路走着~~ 宽大又干净的大 马路!
让我们忍不住想和它 拍照了-.-

看~ 101大楼离我们好近. 
原本在前一天 刚来的时候,在西门町闲逛
我们还一直讲说 没有到台湾的感觉和气氛
反倒有点像是平时我们到 泰国一样!
可 看到101大楼后,我们很确定 泰国看不到这个啦!
我们真的到了 台北~ haha! 有点白痴的我!

每次在电视上,台湾偶像剧 看到的大楼 尽展现在我眼前
第一眼 有点 难以置信 也很兴奋啊~ o(ω)o

 马路上好多的小黄~~~ 想乘座 计程车的朋友 不怕拦不到小黄啦!


很大自然的衣色 可以和后面的树木融为一体了~ 

天气是真的热到不偿命的说 ω   

将蒋浆桨~ 我们到目的地了!
座立在繁华城市 高楼大厦旁的这座 富有文化色彩的 传统建筑物 显得格外端庄 吸引人!

这位 就是国父.

面朝着 大门入口处 面向着 繁华的台北街道和101大楼

嗯,或许你会问我谁是 孙中山先生?
这是新加坡国父 李光耀先生所说的一句话
而这块 原石其实 于 新加坡哦~

呵呵,本姑娘我的历史差到不行 所以没办法讲故事给大家听!
不过 这纪念馆里面有分成很多不同的博物馆 里面收藏了很多很多的历史!
对历史有兴趣的 盆友们,这里你们一定会喜欢啦~
*eh,放心 里面室内都有冷气* =D

哈哈~这我知道! 是孙中山先生和宋美龄女士!

莹 在和他们 装熟吗? o,0?

前往 画廊的路上 走廊很宽大~~


对于那些 读课本读到很腻的朋友们~ 
来这里走趟 绝对比你在书上学到的还要多 而且更容易入脑呢~
独中生 盆友们啊~ 有没有对这句话很熟悉呢~?

这是 交兵仪式 每两小时进行一次~

即使头皮发痒,蚊虫咬伤 不管怎样 都不能动!
他们好强啊! 给他们个 ︿  

这是在大门前 看到的,觉得很有趣 所以拍了下来~

告别纪念馆前来个照照~ say cheeeeeeseeeeee!

哎呀~莹在出口处看到了这个~~~ 只差没把他也搬回家~~

在纪念馆外照的~ 技术不错的说! [偷笑中]

马来西亚-台北观光局 代言人~ wahaha!!


这张很有趣 ^-^

Alex,你... 你...干嘛学我!还用了我帅气的爵士帽!

 好啦,为了方便 盆友们~本姑娘我特地找了这个
国父纪念馆的地图,地址和交通资讯 以方便各位游览及参考啦~ 

for english version
pls click here =)


就是我shopping queen 为之疯狂的时候啦! 
和我一样的 shopaholic们,这是你们绝对不能错过的购物天堂哦!

就是 五分铺啦~
hehe~ 以下两个是我在某个网站下载来的~ 
看到吧~ 这里琳琅满目的选择,从头到脚都能让你焕然一新!
买到饿时,还能在这里大饱口福! 美食小吃这里都有!! 

我们选择了 这家  牛肉面馆~

有点 传统的 瓶罐~ =,=

好啦, 吃完后,再继续 搜宝去!!

其实 包包和鞋子我觉得大多数的店,选择都大同小异~ 价钱也都差不了多少!
但是衣服呢,就真的是 每家店的选择都不同,风格品味也都不一样~ 不管什么类型的都能在这里找到!! 只不过,大多数的店都是不能试穿的哦!


在一家专卖男生的衣饰店~ 看到这个马来西亚的字眼 觉得很亲切 所以觉得和它合照 XD


告诉你吧~ 真的超好买的!=P 

shopaholic 们~注意啦!
五分铺的所在地~ 请放心, 巴士捷运都到得了哦!
五分铺 地图 和交通指南

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Hi friends, Hi September! =D the very first post on sept 1, 01:20 ♥  was suppose to bedding now, seriously battery low tired to the max, but realize my face is like super dull recently, fml, even make up can't able to covered the dullness /,\ bi was asking me did i went for facial recently? how sad to said yes,i been! ='(
whatever, i'm now scheduling to masking everyday no matter how >,< so now bear with my superx sleepiness and blogging here while i'm masking. perhaps to see the changes for my face soon!

okay, september is such a great month for me =D do you know y? ppl who know me should be understand the reason!
note on the 13 of September!!! wow is my big day =D haha!! 
have a nice day then. xoxo

went to S'pore again ytd in the early national day's morning and met the HR depart. stuff for the employment offer letter signing.
filled up so many forms like non-stop writing~ kind of feeling like back to school time, read thru the whole terms and cond letter and after that i signed.

Im now a member under Alexandra Health pte ltd., i had work hard for this and i well knew that my future won't be that easy too! got to well prepared myself to fix in this environment sooner. 

Xy recommended this Yeo's collagen drinks which i only found it in S'pore, so far never saw this before in M'sia.
i got myself apple flavor with collagen, had chosen this because the bottle is pink in colour. lolll
anyway, it tasted like pop drinks but is gasless.

besides, attended grandpa 70th birthday celebration last evening, this is one of our tradition whereby grandpa use to kiss grandma after cake cutting for every celebration e.g. their b'day and parent's day as well.
such a lovely old couple^^ i which my future husband and I would be this endless happiness and lovely too.......♥♥♥

met my lil lovieee cousin xuan xuan everyday recently, she's so cute yet funny! we all can't bear with her glib each time when she spoke and when she showed us something funny.
♥ xuanxuan w/ her pretty mum, aunty Maybo.♥
hmmm....back to the 1st paragraph that i mentioned bout my face, see the diff tone of my face?! my dark circle is super dark and my cheek is so fair, this actually was commented by boyfie while we're on the way back from sg, mayb was the lighting of the place which made my face looks dull in order to let him made such comment.lollll self-deception.

naaa~ this is the mask im using now! Bird's nest mask by my beauty diary

this was the reason why i chosen this mask for now.
look~ the function of this mask :whitening, nourishing,more even-toned, completely suit with my face condition now wtf.

took few photos w/ mummy before heading to the family gathering few days ago.
one of the photo, ppl always repute her as my sister actually =[ i wish is because my mum looks younger, ain't that i look older,right? : /

w/ younger sister elaine
i dun think we both look alike.

my battery is getting low after few days non-stop party.
  i really love my family, you guys are too great i should said, had like so much fun and endless enthusiastic. 
 Enjoyed the precious moments w/ you all, felt warm♥♥♥

 okay, is time to bed now => go to charge my battery to 100% + additional 100% 
~,^ gunitez everyone
have a nice september's day  v(^_^)v
and stay tuned for more.
xoxo ♥