Saturday, October 16, 2010

1 M'sia -International Cultural Night

 international culture day held by our college. 
there was a lotsa activities and food showed by different nation's student on the day time.
each nations have their own representational culture.
and there was a blood donation activity, which was really have a good respond by our college students.


during the night time, it was the time- Cultural Night which held in the multipurpose hall.

every nation students have their great performance on the night.

we as the audience, were also nid to wear our traditional costum. 
i was wearing the cheong sam top which representative our own culture~
haha...but seems the girl who stand beside me is more tradition then me =P as she wearing a more former cheong sam~

My housemates~ 1 Malaysia!

Me and Amran

Evelynna and Me

Christina with her Punjabi suit~ 

2 African performers with their costum

 we, the audience from different nation.

 these was a meaningful night which i know more about others culture and meets new friends from different nations.
well, and i just realize there was a lotsa different nation's students in my college~ =,='

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