Sunday, June 26, 2011

it‘s my thought

time flies in the daily hectic life. it is 26th June, the time passed insensibly just like i was sitting my licensing exam yesterday but in fact it was a 10 days ago story and at this moments i just perhaps the time can be slower down and i have much time to span with my dear friends, darling and everything happened here expt my working time. fml. sorry to said that. even though i used to complaint those things happened here which made my life suck to the max but still i started to miss this place although i haven't leave yet. i noe im fucking contradiction but i don't care.i just wanna to express my thought and say it out loud "I WILL BE FREAKING MISS YOU ALL,those things which happened in my life and those people i met no matter you had colored my life or made my life miserable." idk whether you guys will be missing me or i should asked maybe you still remember me in the future. no matter it's, you are in my heart now and the rest of my life. im thinking anything can i do during this two weeks in stead of posting-hostel-sleep? shall i plan on doing something useful. : / well, just leave it behind my thought in this moment, i got a bevy of stuff have to pack. seeing all my friends had started to packed and move and i wonder when should i start and the most important problem is how to start it? my stuff is berry berry a lot. : [ i realized my achievement is getting lesser and lesser month by month. oh no, i doesn't mean that : < seriously! and i tried to updated my bloggie everytime even i had limited time, and i doesn't want to neglect my bloggie and let it lie waste. so i finger crossed  i will blogging more often then. that's all for today. have a nice weekday for the coming week, dear readers

Saturday, June 25, 2011

[Tao 道 Authentic Asian Cuisine buffet ]

我与我的BFFs踏入一家很有特色的自助式餐馆~ ----> Tao 道 buffet
嗯...你们听过吗?到过吗?不去可就可惜了....因为很值得下哟! V
(*觉得用中文写好像有点怪怪的,不好意思下 o,O')

tadaaa....就是它啦! 位于Sunway Giza, 关于地方的详细内容呢,就慢慢看下去吧......





可惜我不是很擅长用筷子, 除了夹寿司.... lol

这里是寿司地带~ 各式各样普遍的寿司都可在这儿看到~
 当然少不了我最爱最爱 的 生鱼片寿司啦!!  \^_^/

腌制的料理 也超级棒的说~
 看 师傅们 认真的准备着,这些食物可是现煮现吃的哟~
此外, 令餐馆也备有menu, 里面的选择更是包罗万象~ 
 牛扒,羊扒类~ 鳗鱼饭,手卷,炒饭类等等....... 

吃完,主菜后,甜点方面另外还有雪糕,甜品, 糖水任你吃到够! 超满足的说~

 不好意思的说,本小姐我只顾着吃吃吃,没什么为食物拍照~ 抱歉啦!
这碗呢是鱼翅汤,还有羊扒~没有羊臊味! thumbs up!! 
接下来的那碟都是我的最爱啦, 很新鲜的生鱼片和生蚝!!!我超级爱它们的!!
还有还有下来的是鲍鱼片和蒸白萝卜~ 太棒了!! : >
喜欢日本餐的朋友应该认识接下来的那碗 chawamushi 和那些寿司啦~
 第一碗呢,是我本人这阵子很爱的 腐竹薏米糖水 < :
第二碗 还想是六味汤之类的~ @,@我忘了~
和 接下来的小蛋糕 啦~~~
好啦,在告诉大家 地点之前呢~

Xinyin 小姐 和 Christina 小姐
哈哈~Xy 手上捧着她特制的水果巧克力~ (∩_∩)
Joyous小姐 和 本小姐
 发现到吗? 我们都好爱红色~

价钱方面呢~ 每人好像是大约RM70++ 左右~
很不错值得哦 ^o^