Thursday, October 13, 2011

Red and Black farewell party

As title mentioned, a farewell party for all my group's mate in college after we completed whole 3 years course, and this is actually an overdue post as this happened on July and now only i got to posted them =,=
since i am so missing college life and missing those friends, so i finally decided to post it now!
this post will be full with photos,photos and our smiley face =)
you can choose to enjoy it or ignore it

p/s: for my dear group's mates, feel free to visit and grab those photo as you want. =D

lets the party begin...

this farewell party seems more likely to be fashion show, everybody is well dressed with black and red.

with my beloved lecturer in charge, Ms Choo =)


lastly, two random and lil silly photos...

the end of story, with love.

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