Sunday, July 17, 2011

my very last week college life

i supposed to off to bed now, since tmr gotta wake up before 7am, seriously lack of sleep this few days, feeling like my head is going to burst and i need some pill to kill my headache :[

lets summaries my very last week diploma college life in KL.
outing-packing-college-party-making cake-shopping-movie-again outing-college-packing-party.....
Xy,Joyous,Chris was back to KL last weekend from Malacca after 2 weeks practical.
of course shopping is a MUST for us.

beside, attend our 3rd year anniversary as well as farewell party for all of us. ( :

1 of the photo captured on the day  
-more photo will be coming soon-

packing my stuff for leaving..... feeling kind of grudge : C
a part of my stuff, i know is lil

our last day in coll. 
my awe malay frens : )) look at them, they brought extra uniform and makes all classmate sign and comment on the uniform. 

Xin Yin bday celebration in advance since we all are heading back hometown this weekend.
and today 17th July is her bday!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweet girl ( : love you~~~

we made her a super delicious chocolate cake for her, credit attributed to Evelynna.
she's the one who planned and made, we are just helping around.
nice?just like those selling in da shoppie! and it taste good. =D
Xy was shocked when she saw the cake! 
 heading to Bangsar for fun ( :

okay, more photos will be coming soon. so stay tuned for more.
imma leaving KL tmr, will heading back to hometown ( :
see you^^

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